Come Along

Chase the footsteps of Emilee and Dagney as they trample the Pacific Crest Trail

Monday, May 3, 2010

First 100 miles

Lunch time in the desert. After this picture we crossed the hot valley floor and traversed the San Felipe mountain range for about 25 miles. You can see them in the background.

-kara will find any bit of shade to hang out in

Daney enjoys some pita and cheese. The San Felipes in the distance.

Trail angels are life savers!! This water cache was waiting for us on the desert floor. Without it we would have ran out of water

Desert wildlife!

When we rolled into camp at mile 101 there was a cooler full of beer to congratulate us on our first 100. Again, trail angels are life savers!!!

Eagle Rock- how cool is this!

Love Em


  1. is that a h-h-h-horny toad? who is that taking the pics?

  2. You rock!!! Hopefully see you soon.

  3. yea i didn't realize Kara could take such good pictures. Give felleep a big hug for me!!
