Come Along

Chase the footsteps of Emilee and Dagney as they trample the Pacific Crest Trail

Thursday, July 15, 2010

1000 miles!!

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated the blog. I know some of you were worried about us. Thanks for your concern and love. We took some time off to go to High Sierra Music Festival then we were on trail for a 9 day stretch. I should be back on schedule with blogging now.

Waterfall in Yosemite. It was beautiful there but the mosqitoes were So bad that we didn't stop for too long to enjoy it.

Happy Birthday to me!! We wore jewels on our face and Dagney gave me that beautiful bracelet. It was pretty much like any other day only we slept in a little longer and enjoyed some coffee.

We were soo excited to be at mile 1000 that we didn't really think about the reflection in the camera. Mile 1000 not 0001, haha!

Crossing another snow field to another pass. We are pretty sick of the snow at this point. Give me some dirt please!

We came up over this pass and couldn't believe our eyes. Lower mountains with NO snow on them, something we hadn't seen for awhile. It signified the end of the Sierras for us which is so exciting and a huge sense of accomplishment.

The Sierras were so amazing and such an adventure, but we are so happy to have them at our backs now.

We recieved some trail magic
here. There was a cooler with bread, oranges, chips, etc. Always such a treat.

My sexy tree pose.

We will be in Belden around the 28th, if anyone is wanting to send anything :) - Love Em

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