Come Along

Chase the footsteps of Emilee and Dagney as they trample the Pacific Crest Trail

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The Southern Terminus, April 27. I can't believe we're finally doing it. I have thought about this very moment for the past 2 years and at least 5 times a day in the last 2 months. So many thoughts were going through my mind; excitement, worry, challenged, anxiety, anticipation, etc. We are so thankful for everyone who was suppotive and has given us lots of encouragement to make this possible!!

Kissing it all goodbye!

The beginning of the trail. Here we go, I guess i'm commited now.

Someone brought this out to the trail, pretty funny.

We are expecting to be in Kennedy Meadows @ June 9. Please don't send anything to Warner Springs we won't get it in time- Love Em


  1. Hello lovely ladies,I hope all is well and you are walking in comfort and safety.Ms Mary and Mr Bill

  2. Hello we are going walking with Sadie on Tuesday and she is bringing along Dagneys mum.We hope you guys are well and enjoying your travels.Loverly thoughts to you .Ms. Mary and Mr. Bill.

  3. Hello,we enjoyed our walk.Sadie was lovely and Mary was well behaved.We will be doing it again on mon.24th.Hope all is well be safe and healthy.Ms. Mary.

  4. Hello happy walkers,I hope all is well and we think of you daily.Ms.Mary and Mr. Bill.

  5. Hello ladies,hope all is wall.We had tea at strossners today with folks we used to work with.Yum.Walked with Sadie and your mum this a.m.Stay safe and well.Mary and Bill.

  6. Hello ladies,We hope all is well with you both.The heat is oppressive here I hope you safe well and are enjoying cooler days.Mary and Bill Ross.

  7. Hello ladies,Dag. sorry to hear you have bronchitis,hope you are mended.We had dinner with your mum and dad last at Vals house.Walked with your mum earlier in the day.Sadie stayed home with your dad.Smart girl .Stay cool and safe.Mary and Bill.(Myler was a delight as usual)

  8. Hello,We hope all is well.The heat is unbearable here.I am sure your mother has told you.We are meeting to walk Tuesday.Stay safe and cool.Mary and Bill Ross.

  9. Hello ladies,I hope you are having/had a wonderful July 4th.How was /is the concert? happy trails stay safe warm and healthy.Mary and Bill

  10. Dag. heard about Emilee hope she is well soon.How is your visit with your Dad?Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs.Mary and Bill.

  11. Hello Dagney,We hope all is well,Milas 3rd birthday was good,she was the center of attention and loved it.The cake was yummy.I hear you are adding all the miles up fast.Hugs to you.Mary and Bill.

  12. Hello Dagney,how is it going?We get updates from your mum.Glad things are moving along smoooooothly.Lots of hugs.Mary and Bill

  13. Hello ladies,Daney are you getting close ?Can you see the barn door as they say,three cheers coming up.Lots and Lots of hugs.Mary and Bill.
