Come Along

Chase the footsteps of Emilee and Dagney as they trample the Pacific Crest Trail

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bye Bye Southern California!

We made it to Kennedy Meadows!! We are so excited. It is a pretty big milestone in the trail. It's the end of the desert and the beginning of the Sierra Mountains. It's like starting a whole new trail, everything we are used to is about to be thrown out the window. Routines will be forgotten, aches and pains will be revisited, beauty and amazement will be brand-new. Can't wait!

Woke up to a misty wonderland. It was so cool walking through this, it felt like we were in a fairytale!

Taking a break in the limited shade of a Joshua Tree. We thought we were done with the desert after the Mojave but we were Wrong! It was so hot with no shade or water for two days. One of the toughest sections we've had!

There were a bunch of trail angels putting on a week of trail magic at Walker Pass. We got in about 1:00 and stayed all night. They had so much food, everything a hiker could dream of. Cold drinks, fruit, sweets, chips and salsa, veggies and Beer!

Lori makes the BEST cookies! These were such a treat getting into Kennedy, I ate 3 right away and shared the rest. Everyone was in cookie bliss!

Old and New. They say you can tell a lot about a person by the shoes they wear, what do these say?

We will not be going to Mono Hot Spings any more so please don't send anything there. Instead we will be going to Lone Pine- Love Em

Location:Kennedy Meadows!


  1. your shoes say that you are a bad ass. Keep killin' it and stay safe. I love you more than words can say.

  2. looks like your having fun!
    sorry I missed out. I just moved
    out of So. Cal and up to Idaho.
    I have lots to tell you when you get back.
    Stay safe and have fun!

  3. Wow,what amazing changes in landsacape! you know you've covered some ground. You look good. I have a package all packed up for you and ready to send off but, I'm worried about it not getting to you. Where will you be in two to three weeks?
