Come Along

Chase the footsteps of Emilee and Dagney as they trample the Pacific Crest Trail

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hello Sierras!

Water, Water everywhere. It's so great to not have to worry about where the next water source is. It's all around and it's delicious!

Standing on top of Mt. Whitney. At 14498, it's the highest peak in the lower 48. It was so amazing up there neither words or pictures can do it justice. We had the absolute perfect weather that day. Sunny, warm, no wind, and clear skys to see as far as possible.

The Team

Hut on top of Whitney

Approaching Forrester Pass. You can see where the mountain dips down to make a V, that's what we went up. It was harder and scarier than Whitney!

The trail was mostly covered under snow. So we basically went straight up the snow to the right untill we found the dry trail. Then it switched back across the snowy shoot then up and over!


Top of Forrester Pass. We were so happy to be up there finally, although we still had a Long decent ahead if us.

Looking North from the top of Forrester Pass

Looking South. Yes, we came across all that snow at the bottom!

Alpine lake on the way up to Kearsarge Pass.

Standing at the top of Kearsarge Pass. It was so windy up there I was literally getting blown over.

- Love Em


  1. seriouse expedition. You look so happy and healthy! looks beautiful. --- package is boxed up and ready to go. I'll call to confirm you ETA date for Beldon. love you! jen
