Come Along

Chase the footsteps of Emilee and Dagney as they trample the Pacific Crest Trail

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Crossing the Colombia River on the Bridge of the Gods into Washington. We are on the final stretch now and really excited to be in Washington. Only 3 weeks left!

Dagney dives into some Trail magic. This garbage bin was full of all kinds of goodies.

And now the Huckleberry. Soo good!

On top of Cispus Pass, Welcome to the Cascades. We are getting out of the low land, dense forrest and back to the mighty mountains.

I can't believe I'm back to walking across snow fields. I'm having flashbacks of being in the Sierras.

Walking the ridge of the Goat Rocks Wilderness. This place was incredible, and it was amazing to be up high again with beautiful views.

-we will be at the Dinsmores around the 21 and in Stehekin around the 24. Thanks to the Blackwells for the chocolate bars!! Love Em

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2000 miles!!

We've come 2000 miles! I can't believe it. Less than 700 miles to go and only one more state.

Happy Birthday to Dagney!! The big dirty 30.

Dagneys Birthday dinner. I packed in a bunch of fresh veggies, curry sauce, wine and carrot cup cakes for the special occasion. That's a pinecone dipped in fuel, it was quite the birthday candle!

Balancing some trail magic.

At the Timberline Lodge warming up the best way I know how.... Whiskey.

I can't get enough of all the berries that are along the trail. These blueberries were wonderful.

We took the Eagle Creek side trail and it was beautiful. We passed by a dozen waterfalls and walked underneath this one. It was raining and made everything seem so tropical.

We will be in White pass around the 14th if anyone is wanting to send anything :) - Love Em

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Trailing away

Pizza on the trail. I got to this campground and the store there had delicious pizza.

Welcome to the green tunnel. Nothing to see but trees. Oregon is pretty flat and dense.

Lava fields approaching Crater Lake. There was about 8 miles of this. It was really cool!

Crater Lake. This place is so massive and a stunning sight to be seen. It was freezing when we were there.

Woke up to wind and snow. Is this a preview of what's to come? Let's hope not!

Reunited!!! Due to my foot injury, getting sick, and going back to SLC, Dagney and I haven't seen each other for about a month. We've missed each other so much and were so excited to be together again!

- Love Em