Come Along

Chase the footsteps of Emilee and Dagney as they trample the Pacific Crest Trail

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2000 miles!!

We've come 2000 miles! I can't believe it. Less than 700 miles to go and only one more state.

Happy Birthday to Dagney!! The big dirty 30.

Dagneys Birthday dinner. I packed in a bunch of fresh veggies, curry sauce, wine and carrot cup cakes for the special occasion. That's a pinecone dipped in fuel, it was quite the birthday candle!

Balancing some trail magic.

At the Timberline Lodge warming up the best way I know how.... Whiskey.

I can't get enough of all the berries that are along the trail. These blueberries were wonderful.

We took the Eagle Creek side trail and it was beautiful. We passed by a dozen waterfalls and walked underneath this one. It was raining and made everything seem so tropical.

We will be in White pass around the 14th if anyone is wanting to send anything :) - Love Em

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on 2 grand! And what an amazing candle for Dags' 30th - can't imagine a better one! Lots of love to you!

    gwenie and kurt
